Here are some spoilers that have been confirmed by the Erins at the Erin Hunter chat at wands and worlds. So those that do not want the books to be spoiled, leave before it is too late.
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-Purdy will stay with ThunderClan
-Dovepaw is the Fourth apprentice and the third cat in the prophecy
-Ivypaw is jealous of her sister
-The points of veiw will be Lionbaze, Jayfeather, Dovepaw, AND Ivypaw
-Leafpool will remain a main charactor and will be in the allegiances
-Nothing is revealed about Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, but that thew will have BIG problems
-Beavers will become a new enemy and will drain the river and the lake, causing RiverClan's fish supply to vanish
-Leopardstar will die in Fading Echoes and Mistyfoot will become leader with her son, Reedwhisker, deputy
-Barkface will die, Kestrelflight will take over as Medicine cat
-Mistyfoots kits are Reedwhisker, Graymist, Rippletail, and supposely the other one died
Here is the link to the Newest Erin Hunter Chats**Spoiler Alert over**