Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Look Inside (Not Browse Inside)

I found a place on Amazon.com where you can look inside The Fourth Apprentice. It isn't the HarperCollins Browse Inside, but It includes the cover, back cover (which features Fading Echoes), prologue, and the first page of chapter 1. The first page tells that Barkface is dead and that JAYFEATHER IS NERVOUS ABOUT BEING THE ONLY MEDICINE CAT OF THUNDECLAN. This does NOT MEAN LEAFPOOL IS GONE, JUST THAT SHE'S NOT THE MEDICINE CAT. The browse inside is better, but this is still good and the browse inside (that also includes first 7 chapters and the allegiances) is not out yet. **Sigh** The URL is below.





  1. It doesn't say Jayfeather is nervous! It said KRESTRELWING is nervous about representing his clan for the first time at a Gathering!

    Sorry. LOL

  2. O, sorrry! But either way it said ZJayfeather is THE MEDICINE CAT. But it was Kestralflight who was nervous.

