Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mistyfoot of Mistystar?

We all know that Leopardstar is dead or will die in Fading Echoes and Mistyfoot will become leader. Will she turn her back on ThunderClan like Onestar did? Think about it, Onewhisker was great friends with Firestar until he became leader. The only hard part is that she's half ThunderClan. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Now, what about her kits? It has been confirmed that her kits are Dawnflower (Former Queen, now Elder), Rippletail (Dead), Graymist (Warrior), and Reedwhisker (Deputy), but will they ever be important? They may be in RiverClan, but they still would be a quarter ThunderClan. They also are BLUESTAR'S grandchildren. Who was the father of the kits. For those of you that don't know, it's probably Blackclaw. In Forest of Secrets, he was always in the nursery, bringing prey to Mistyfoot, and protective of the kits.

Mistyfoot: Gray She-cat with Blue Eyes
Blackclaw: Smokey Black Tom

Also, Rippletail is a dark gray tabby tom (Almost Mistyfoot's Color), Graymist is a pale gray tabby she-cat (Almost Mistyfoot's Color), Dawnflower is a pale gray she-cat (Almost Mistyfoot's Color), and Reedwhisker is a BLACK tom (Blackclaw's Color).

Mistystar. Sounds good to me. All she needs is a Super Edition!



  1. Yeah I think Mistyfoot would be a super leader but one thing...she is older than Firestar already!

  2. when do you think leopardstar dies??

  3. how old do you think leopardstar is? i already know she's the oldest leader.

  4. I think that she died while the cats were gone on the quest. She's about 24 moons (Two Years) older than Firestar. A guess.


  5. she really needs a super edition I would love that mistystar would be a great hero she is the best

  6. how do u think leopardstar dies?

  7. I know leopardstar dies, i finished the book where she dies, I had no idea who Mistystar's kits were, that's helpful

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. rippletail is not mistyfoot's kit because reedwhisker mentored him. and how is dawnflower mistyfoot's kit is she is an elder? but it is proven in an Erin Hunter chat that Graymist and Reedwhisker is her kits and also proven in Twilight book i think

  10. How are there ranks so far apart~honeyleaf

  11. wow that was awesome! thanks:)

  12. I think Graymist is one of her kits, but the other two ran away before they could become apprentices. Sunkit (muddy yellow tabby she-kit warrior name Sunslant) and Galkit (muddy brown tom warrior name Galespirit).
    I think thats possible, and Graykit and Reedkit were the ones Fireheart and Graystripe rescued, and the other two thought there was only RiverClan, and they were so ashamed of being a quarter not RiverClan they ran away and joined Tribe of Rushing Water, becoming Brook and Talon, the climates bleaching their fur.
    But, I think this is possible, and I have this awesome story, where Brook and Talon find out, and get reunited with their siblings. the Clans see Brook and Talon? I suppose their different pelts could confuse them all.
    Poor Mistyfoot!
    Does anyyone agree with me?


    Sunkit woke up, Mistyfoot had Galekit in her mouth, and his scruffy brown fur was bristling. She leapt up, a cold terror seeping into her heart as she realised the nest was very empty.
    Queens fear-scent overwhelmed her, as Mistyfoots screech pierced her brain.

    All my life I have seen this coming. She realised as Stonefur gently picked her up.
    Silverstream had Galekit, and they where gently carried up the slope.
    "Shelter here." Stonefur spat around her.
    She rolled to the ground and made a show of strutting next to Milkkit and Hazelkit. As soon as the warriors & apprentices where gone, she sprinted off, only to be stopped by an unfamiliar scent.
    A big black cat loomed up in front of her. "Get back!" he growled. "Two kits missing is bad enough! Urgh! Stupid part non RiverClan cats and..."
    He kept growling, but the bottom had fell out of Sunkit's world. She wasn't full RiverClan? But there was only RiverClan, right?
    Mistyfoot materialised n front of, her, and she blindly staggered away, feeling sick.
    She needed to see Reedkit, Graykit and Galekit.
    She had a plan.

    Two small kits staggered over the cliff. Sunkits dirty fur was torn in places, and she nly had two claws. Galekit was hardly breathing, and terror was scrawled on his face.
    "I wish Graykit and Redkit were here." she mumbled.
    Mistyfoot hadn't left them and the other two couldn't get a word in.
    Then, unfamiliar scents stopped them.
    A hissed bubbled up his throat.
