Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Think I'm Gonna Scream (And Polls)

GREAT news! I was at Barnes and Noble today (March 20th), and was looking in the Warriors Section. FADING ECHOES AND A CLAN IN NEED WERE THERE!! Yep. Our B&N gets the books early and keep them in the back, so my guess is that someone put them on the shelf accidentally. Spoilers and Theories coming soon (cause I'm too lazy to do it now)!

Polls. On the last poll, most people thought that Lionblaze and Heathertail WON'T get back together, but some did. Vote on the two new polls (to your right)!


1 comment:

  1. Starclan is going to win because they have more cats. But the dark forest has been training so....
