Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SkyClan's Destiny *Spoilers*

Daylight Warriors: There are some cats in the clan that have half a warrior name that are in the clan, but at night leave to be with their housefolk. Those cats are Billystorm, Snookthorn, Ebonyclaw, Frecklewish, Harveymoon, and Macgyver. There is a great tension between most of the full menmbers of the clan and the daylight warriors. This is what Kate Cary meant by a "civil war" among SkyClan.

Leafstar in Love?: She and Billystorm begin to have feelings for each other, but she doesn't know if she can have a mate AND take care of the clan.

Rats: There is a heap of crow-food and other junk in SkyClan's territory that's filled with rats, but SkyClan deafeats them.

Revenge: It turns out that Shrewtooth, a black tom, came from that evil twoleg Petalnose and her kits were tortured by. Remember? Well, they see the twoleg as a threat when they realize he is being cruel to more than one cat. They, then frighten him and defeat his dog.

Battle Won: Four rouges join the clan when they are bullied by other twolegpalce cats and eventually ask their clan for help to defeat them. They go to battle and win.

Okay, other than that, if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them!


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