Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tag from Willowfeather

1) If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would you say?

Flumsy, a combination of funny and clumsy. ;)

2) If you could go anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted to, where would you go and who with?

DisneyWorld with my best buds, Payton and Sara.

3) If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Hmmm. . . . Hard one, but I'd have to go with super speed. Who wouldn't want to walk across water and go anywhere you wanted?

4) What is one habit (or two ;) that you get teased about a lot?

Like Willowfeather, I don't get teased, but it would have to be for being so clumsy in a funnt way.

5) What is (or are) your food obsession(s)?

IDK. Maybe frozen yogurt. Yeah, frozen yogurt's nice. (LOL)

6) What is the best April Fools prank you pulled on someone or that someone pulled on you?

NO IDEA! But I do know that we had this thing at our school and I got a fake cast on my wrist. It freaked my brother out! He thought I really broke my wrist doing a handstand. =D

7) If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?

Either a hockey stick or a soccer ball. I love those two sports!

8) Let's say you could change the world in one way. How would you change it?

By making every forest a nature preserve!

9) You have a million dollars (*gasp* ;). How do you spend it?

Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh.

New Camera
Enough Art Suplies for a Lifetime
New House
Room Makeover
As Many Pets as I Want
A Balloon Full of Heliem

10) What is one thing that always takes your breath away? (That could mean in a good way OR a bad way)

When people who jump rope or do duple-dutch do flips. I mean, how cool is THAT!?

11) You are granted three wishes. What do you wish for? (Remember, you can't wish for more wishes ;)

1. That you can do atheletics in 6th grade
2. That you CAN wish for more wishes
3. Three more wishes

Didn't see that comming did ya?

12) You can spend the day with one character from a book or series that you've read. Who is that character?

Hard, because I love s many books, but Dan Cahill from The 39 Clues.

13) What is something odd or interesting about you that is not commonly known?

When I was little, I would suck on the mail key, so know I like the taste of metal.

14) What is one thing that you absolutely positively cannot stand?

That when you spray-paint your hair, it washes away! Why can't it stay?! :(

15) Say you committed a crime. The judge gives you a choice between sentences: twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains or never having another moment alone for the rest of your life. Your choice?

The second one. I don't want to be lonely!

16) What is one benefit that blogging has given you?

Having something to do when I'm not outside or doing sports.

17) A perfect day in your eyes would be...?

A day doing nothing, but hanging out with my friends for a whole 24 hours. Now, that is going to be one fuuny and clumsy day! ;)

I Tag:



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